Thursday 24 March 2016

Finnished music magazine cover

This is my Final front cover, it has been drastically improved since my first draft. After receiving pupil feedback and doing additional research i decided to change the layout of the cover, I placed the text into rows and changed some of the text colors so the text in the white is emphasized, I made the name Sofia Prescott larger so that it is emphasized, and these changes made my magazine look more professional and neat, I also changed the typeface of some of the text, as it makes the text stand out less, but also made it looked more neat. Overall, i feel like the colors i have chosen compliment the cover very well, and the use of two typeface means that i am able to choose which things are important and things that are not as important and and make them stand out less or more accordingly, I feel like the layout is much better and looks more professional, and i also think that changing the color of certain words  of the text has helped in my emphasis of certain words to draw in readers. i changed these things because of extensive research into magazine front covers. 

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Finished music magazine contents page

This is my finished contents page, there is many improvements made in comparison to my other versions, and i think it looks more visually stimulating in comparison to the over versions too. I decided to add more images so that the contents page looked more exiting, and changed the color of the background on the right hand side to make the contents page look more vibrant and full like a normal magazines contents page would look. It also makes the contents on this background stand out which benefits it greatly. I also decided to add more content so that the magazine looked full of juicy information. All of the content is relevant to my targeted genres of pop and RnB. I made the numbers red so that they stand out as a form of easy navigation, and made the description the same red so that there is both design continuity and also so that the readers go straight to the descriptions as they have more information about what the page is on. i made the title of each page in back and in capitals and also bigger so that thy catch the readers eye, and also made them short so that it makes the reader intrigued to read on as they do not know much about what is on the page. The color scheme is the same of that used on the front cover which shows design continuity and the simplicity of the design. overall i feel like i have drastically improved my design by revising on severally occasions and experimenting with Photoshop and have come out with a product that both looks like that you would see in a real magazine, but that is also new and exiting. I feel like the color  and design represent the RnB genre very well, but also fit in with pop well too and the images of the pop star on the front further prove this. 

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Music magazine feature page

This is  my music magazine feature page. It has design continuity in connection to my other products as it is using the same colours (black white and red) while also using the same fonts. I have added red writing to emphasize main points as you can see above, and I have also put red rectangles in to further draw the readers eyes to points also. some points are also in capitals to scream out there importance, and I have used a capital S to start of the story on the right had page which is in red which also makes it seem important and interesting and will stick out to the reader. The contents is in small text so I could fit as much as possible on the page, and it is restricted to one page because when I carried out my magazine research I felt like this was the best way to do things as it made the magazine look less complicated and more neat, while also giving more of the page to the artists which visually draws in an audience and keeps them interested.  My text is in columns which also makes my feature page look more neat, and the writing also had a quote going through it in capitals with a line at the top, this emphasises its importance and also is a way of poking it out the text in order for the reader to get a taste of what information they might by getting if they read the article. I have used the same artist on the front of my magazine for my feature page as this is the generic convention as people want to read about the artist on the front, and from doing my research I found out this is generally what happens. In the image I have made sure to use pop connotations, such as colourful colours, and instruments to give of a pop theme to the image. at the bottom of the page is a web link and this shows cross media convergence, and in the rise of the digital age this is very important as it means that the brand can rise in readership ad the audience  can get as much information as they want about the topic in hand, which is also why I linked the interview with another online link so that the reader can get more information and use and get to know  the magazines website. I feel like the content of my text is very interesting and juicy, and covers all of the generic points and facts that you want to know bout an artist, and even facts that you would not know if you did not read the interview, which makes it more interesting and makes people trust the brand to give them the best information. Overall after changing many aspects many times to this feature page I feel that I have got the bet possible outcome and the result will connect to the target audience well.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Contents page analysis (work in progress)

This lesson I was able to half complete my analysis of the contents page of a music magazine called vibe, next lesson I will carry out some extensive research into the matter and complete a more filled detailed analysis of the contents page.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Reflection on my research and how it may influence my planning.

Reflection on my research and how it may influence my planning.

my research and how it may influence my planning.
I particular like the matching red dress to the back ground, and the connotations that red has power, (being strong, passion, love and empowerment) and may consider using this colour in my magazine cover, I also like the way the picture covers part of the logo, as it shows that the artist is more important than the magazine itself and it makes the artist stand out an I like that aspect because it presents them as a role model. I will also consider using different sized text to enthuses certain aspects, and different  fonts to make things stand out using colours that contrast against the background that I choose. I like the way that the background is a slightly brighter surrounding Beyoncé than when is toward the edges, this illuminates the artist and makes her see more important. I also like the use of different colour text because it makes things pop out from the cover this would be useful in my cover for that very same reason, and integrating it may draw more people in to look.  
From this contents page I like the way the v is In bold text, as it stand out and would appeal to my target audience, also as well as being in bold it is large and this is something I will take away from this because it would be useful to have large text on my contents page to make things stand out. I particularly like this use of a  large image as it shows people more of what they want to see because on the front cover they know that this issue of the magazine focuses around Kanye west and they want to see and read more about it, and see more about it . The use of different text may be something I use when creating my magazine as it puts enthuses on different parts on the text making things stand out and would be a good method of drawing people in when they look at it, what we can get from this is that the more fancy the text the more juicy and interesting the information is. From this contents page like the way the monochrome represents an urban genre and this would be useful for me if I decide to make an urban magazine including artist like Kanye West and it will drive in a particular target audience.
I like many of the features of this feature page, and would consider many methods when making my magazine. Firstly I like the use of the text being curved round her body, this would be good to use if my feature artist was a woman as it would replicate her curves and make her seem sexy and the image and page itself would look more professional and planned, I would very much consider using this in my own magazine. Next, I like  the two colours of pink, the text and the background match and this created simplicity in the image and this simplicity makes the feature page seem  full of colour and because of this we can also get that the page is fun information as pink as a colour brings these conations. I like the use of the big letter W at the start of the text, the big letter emphasizes that the information stated after it is important and also adds more of the darker pink  making the page seem more colourful. I would consider using both these in my feature page when coming to create it. The last thing I like from this feature page is the way that the text is laid out, it is simple and easy to read, something that my feature page will need to be so to use the same method of an easy, neat layout would be beneficial to it.

Thursday 10 March 2016

An essay i produced based on research on how the Kerrang brand keeps it audience informed

How does the Kerrang! Brand keeps its audience informed?

Kerrang! Is the main access to the metal scene and is a UK based magazine. It was conceived in the year of 1981 and it focuses on the genre of heavy metal and rock music. It is a weekly publication which provides a source of up to date and in the minute news, gig details, articles and reviews that relate to the metal music genre and its sub genres e.g. nu-metal thrash, Goth and emo. Kerrang! Is owned by the institution Bauer Media publications who also own magazines such as Q, Mojo and Empire, the institution is also the publisher of the magazine, it is a large European based company . Its readers/ target audience are in there late teens/early twenties between the ages of around 15-24 with a median age of 22, and split on the percentage of 60% male and 40% female.  Kerrang! Features artists such as Lost Prophets, Bullet for My Valentine, Green Day, Bon Jovi and Metallica, and has recently pioneered coverage of grunge music. Kerrang! Is also a means of self-expression for young, individually minded and passionate consumers, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty. Kerrang! Does face some issues and one key issue is media ownership it has been owned by companies such as EMAP were it was the institutions hero brand of the digital age, but was than soled to BAUER in February 2008. Another issue is that Kerrang! Is still extremely dependent on shelf distribution like over the counter transactions for over 95% of sales, Kerrang! Needs to work on its marketing, exchange, and cross media convergence in order to change this as this shows that Kerrang! Is not keeping its audience entirely up to date by offering other forms of media, in other words Kerrang! Needs to proliferate. In 2008/2009 ABC figures showed that Kerrang!’S Sales were down by 30% going from 75.937 to 52.272, again emphasising that Kerrang needs to improve its synergy, marketing and cross-media convergence. The magazine also lost out on proliferation of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace in 2007/2008 and this has effected there marketing, exchange and proliferation over time. Kerrang! Did however try to with stand this proliferation with the creation of an online addition which then made the magazine become a subsidiary to the online edition, Facebook and MySpace page. The changes in which people are listening to music currently threaten to wear down the financial viability of the magazine, and the magazine is now having to become more mainstream to gain financial income.

The magazine keeps its audience informed in many ways using its unique selling points and brand credibility. Kerrang! Produces exiting content and genre specific information that is desirable to the target market, the portfolio of advertisement e.g. Nintendo and PlayStation also keep the audiences informed in the latest interest of the metal genre. The magazine has a simple layout including stimulating coloured images with chunks of informative information which people can dip in and out of, pages are devoted full size posters which will soon be plastered on the walls of the target audience. The managing cost of 1.99 means the magazine follows the financial situation of its teenage target audience keeping them informed giving them more for less. By including information on feedback pages, news diary pages, and gig reviews the magazine is keeping the reader interested offering a wide variety of flavours facts, and exclusive bitesize chunks of information informing the reader of everything that need to be known about the latest events in the metal genre. Readers are drawn in by Kerrang! s cover which splashed with genre iconography including gothic makeup, black clothing, and rough looking typefaces with a touch of vampire and nocturnal imagery. Kerrang!s covers use the language of the reader using slang terms that are used by the target audience e.g. the word Kerrang itself is a reference to the sound of a chord of an electric guitar, and swag to blag which refers to competitions held in the magazine. The magazine includes grading systems or reviews advice on essential purchases and songs to avoid, and advice on music and guidance within songs in the genre keeping the audience informed 24/7 on the best and greatest music of the current day. There diary of the week with profiles of up and coming events informs the reader of what is going on in this week’s metal scene and these recommended events helps catalyse and establish the particular lifestyle taste of the reader beyond the music. Feedback opportunities also offer a chance for the readers to be listen too in feedback pages, and rants of the week. Kerrang additionally promotes government messages to inform the readers of the latest issues. The magazine acts as a form of advertisement verbally and visually selling music to people through artist and record labels, the magazine informs the reader on the latest releases from artists strictly relevant to the genre and also advertises artists tours and events. Competitions are on the magazine to keep the reader involved and inform the reader of prises and opportunities. The genre specific fashion of metal allows Kerrang to advertise specific brands that give of the metal look including clothes and Jewry brands, this keeps the reader up to date on the latest fashions and informs them of what their favourite artists are wearing, and what thy should be wearing to keep up with there genre. All the ways in which the magazine keeps its audience informed benefits the magazine overall, as it keeps people interested in the magazine because it is current, loyal to the genre and the readers, and this keep the reader buying the magazine and there for financially benefits the brand Kerrang! this creates a returning fan base keen for information knowing that Kerrang will give it to them by keeping their ideas fresh and moving with current trends.

Digital convergence gave Kerrang! A chance to reach a larger target audience. Entering into the digital age Kerrang! Now uses the web, TV and radio to keep its audience informed, it does this in many ways. Kerrang now has multiple platforms of webpages in which it can keep the audience informed on the latest metal/rock genre information, music, fashion and social media a few examples are listed: The first web link is the main site for the magazine and were you can purchase the magazine, this website allows the audience to become a proactive consumer as its provides links to additional websites were you can purchase concert tickets. While illustrating synergy, the website also allows the audience to subscribe allowing them to be informed online as well as in the magazine, therefore websites offer a greater overall informative value covering more than that that is just in the magazine, the subscriptions cost and are monthly. The second leads you to the home of the radio station, the third leads you to the online store and the next one leads you to the Kerrang! Relentless tour and Kerrang! Awards. Through these web links Kerrang! Is now able to provide informative information that was previously exclusive to the magazine making it more widely available, keeping the audience informed quickly and easily as the website is updated regularly.  Kerrang! also has online forums in which it can ask the audience what they want to know about, this makes them in charge of what they want to read about, meaning the audience is telling the magazine what they want to be informed about, this adds an interactive value to Kerrangs! brand. Advertisement can also appear online which further informs the target audience of products and new and exciting information regarding the metal/rock genre. Kerrangs! radio a 105 digital and FM bases radio station modified its core brand values and further extends the brands informative nature by playing the latest tracks by mainstream rock and metal artist e.g. Red hot Chilli Peppers and Oasis and also informs people on the latest in the metal and rock genre, this was Kerrangs first venture into the synergized word of digital media. Kerrang TV made it second in 2001, and was an immediate success, than added to the long list of informative platforms that the digital age brought to kerrang! Kerrang TV offers advisement to be made and is also hyperlinked to online ticket sellers. Through all, of this kerrang achieved cross-media convergence, synergy, greater methods of production, distribution and marketing, and also better methods of exchange and proliferation. This has all benefited kerrang as it means that information can be updated regularly, and the web has also expanded Kerrangs! fan base and target audience and the availability of easy subscription and purchases online have profited the brand financially.  

Kerrang! Has a range of social media accounts that quickly update with news on music and artist, including new music releases and up and coming artists. An example of these are Kerrangs! Facebook, Twitter and My Space, and they act as a gateway for key breaking news information updates to keep the audience informed instantly with articles and other forms of media, like quizzes and interviews. Kerrang! Has over 200,00 twitter followers an 100,00 Facebook likes, this is great for the target audience as it means that they are informed everyday 7 days a week on all their favourite artists and genre, and the audience also trusts the information that is being produced so feel they are getting quality truthful facts. Also Kerrangs! My Space is linked to its ticket selling page acting as a form of informative advertisement for artist and record labels. The My Space also links into kerrang! TV. Through social media therefore comes huge promotions and advertisements to other parts of the branch of the Kerrang! Brand which provides the audience with countess information to read. The social media accounts also allow kerrang readers to share videos and play lists with each other meaning that they can be collaborative in interest, this can be done through another social media website they have called YouTube. Because this is all done through the internet everything that is being talked about can be accessed easily, quickly and instantly. Kerrang also has a an app in which subscribers can access the magazine and receive notifications on the latest events and music updates in the metal and rock genre, this is extremely useful in keeping up with the brands core values and identity and also everything that kerrang has to offer. This all benefits Kerrang! as a brand because it mean that they can 24/7 keep their readers up to date on everything big in metal and rock, and by having a great spread across many forms of media they come into contact with more fans creating a larger fan base and therefore a larger sales profit and readership.

In conclusion, the magazine could be improved by expanding the target audience so that the magazine appeals to more people, this would inform a larger number of readers and therefore have a positive outcome on profit, I would also suggest that the brand should change some of its content to make its more mainstream and universal to all, this would consequently result in more sales and a change in brand identity re introducing Kerrang! as a more rounded music magazine. Overall I think the Kerrang! brand is very effective, it is able to provide what its audience wants by creating online forums and surveys to make sure it is doing what metal/rock fans want it to do wants it do so it can self-evaluate and constantly evolve. Kerrang! Also has many forms of media meaning it has a good cross media convergence reaching into al the corners of society that may find a fan, it keeps up with the latest information and breaking news updates, regularly informing is target audience and executes the role of a music magazine to an almost perfect standard.

Wednesday 9 March 2016 research

What features does the website offer?
The website offers some of the features you wold see on a magazine cover such as the title of Kerrang on the top left ,straplines that you can see spread across the whole of the website including information such as advertisement for new events and even some suggesting information on popular artist of the genre. The website also features  web links such as twitter names so fans can follow them, this is like the magazine as the magazine always has the web link for the Kerrang website at the bottom.  As well as holding some of the traditional features you would see on the magazine, the website also offers a more attractive and interactive approaches, holding more information that the magazine ever could. The website offers a range of images of a range of artists all in different colour scheme in an attractive format. Interactive features  such as hyperlinked images and text allows the reader to navigate easily to the article they want to read and websites they may want to go on to buy or follow something from Kerrang, example of this is the Facebook and twitter signs and the sign that allows you to buy the magazine by clicking onto it and traveling to another website. The website also offers more advertisement than the magazine ever could, making sure that the fans know all of the new events that are coming up, and also advertising new and popular artists, the increased size of the website in comparison to the magazine allows it to do this. The website also features videos on the latest tour artists and festivals informing the  fans that were not there about the event, and also promoting the artist. The website also has a search bar acting as one of the most important features, this is because the magazine is aimed at t young people, and this generation has a tendency to dip in and out of information , and the search bar allows them to do this quickly, allowing them to find the subject they want to read about .The Kerrang website also allows readers to get access to a full list of tour dates and tour information, and also buy tickets directly through the websites navigation system, and you can even get band merchandise directly too. This particular feature makes the website an easier and more appealing use of media as it is fast, always updated and largely interactive. The navigation bar is largely responsible for the easy to use website and simple navigation, directing readers to there area of interest quickly, this is featured on the top and bottom of each page. This website is a good example of how Kerrang’s proliferation, distribution and Cross media convergence and how it has improved from its audience interaction has improved.

What content is it covering?
There are a number of areas of content that the website covers, and the navigation bar shows all of these so they can be easily assessable from every page. These areas are Latest, Hottest, Music and Lists, not to forget the original home page which can be accessed by just a quick click of the Kerrang logo. The Latest page includes articles on the biggest and newest news, and when the page is finished there is an option to access more of this new information. On this page there is also advertisement and other features such as social media links, so that the user is constantly being informed of Kerrangs different platforms.  Hottest includes contents such as the top 10 most popular and most read posts, this insures that the reader is keeping up with the biggest and best information around there genre  it also has the features described above e.g. social media links an other links.  Music's content includes the latest music articles listed in the order of most popular, this ranges from articles on artists, gossip the latest music news and facts and album and single notifications, also included is videos  which support cross media convergence and keep the audience interested. The music  area also includes the same general features described above. Lastly lists includes playlists and top 10s including artists favourite songs, playlist made my artists and others, and also the lists of top albums and even lists of the best covers and videos.

How does the website promote interaction of the user and how is producer and audience benefiting?
The website promotes interaction by having interactive features e.g. a navigation bar , web links and advertising. This benefits the producer because it means that the interactive features allow the readership to travel around the website easily, which may make it more favourable than other more tricky user interfaces which will make people want to use it more. This also benefits the producer because companies will pay for advertising space on the website and these interactive adds will make the producer money as they advertisers will pay for advertising space. This additionally benefits the producer as hyperlinked web links and other links allow for cross media convergence between different platforms and the website is also able to advertise other areas of the Kerrang brand through this. Next interaction benefits the audience as a navigation bar means that they are able to move around the website both quickly and easily, so the interface is beneficial to them so they will use it more, interaction also benefits them as advertising and web links allow them to explore related brands such as merchandise sites and allow them to purchase tickets and this merchandise quickly at one click of a button.  It also allows them to get to know Kerrang more by getting to follow there social media accounts and watching there YouTube channel. This in turn then benefits them further as it means that they are able to keep up with there favourite artist much more easily, quickly and efficiently.

How are audiences encouraged to become Prosumers?
The audience are encouraged to become prosumer by the website by offering a contact us system, this allows the audience to tell the magazine directly what content they want, and how they think the website and its content could be changed or altered in order to make there experience of it better. The website also has it Facebook page and Twitter account hyper linked and these pages also offer a form or conversation by which the same things can happen, this applies to YouTube and Instagram also. This prosumer aspect creates a great way for kerrang to understand there audience by working with them to create the best possible product.

What evidence of Synergy is there?
The evidence of synergy in the website is advertising we can see from this advertising that Kerrang is working with these companies in order to gain money for themselves and also help another cooperation. Other evidence of synergy is them working together to advertise gigs and other events that require ticket purchase with other companies. This helps the audience to keep in touch with the latest gigs organised by other companies separate to  Kerrang, and also help the audience to purchase things like merchandise from artists, when synergy is present between an artist and Kerrang.   

 How does the website converge with other media formats?
The website contains many different  social media links such as Facebook and Twitter, and they also have links to various other website to do with the Kerrang brand such as get K !mag, K! TV K! Radio, Win, Subscribe and Offers. The website also tries to encourage cross media convergence by promoting the purchase of the paper magazine issue and even has an Instagram page linked to the website too. All of this increases the number of readers Kerrang has. At the bottom of the page they also have a navigation bar which shows all the ways in which Kerrang is trying to media converge  see the example below:

Give examples of advertising and how it targets the audience?
There is many different types of advertising on the Kerrang website . Most of them are in the form of banners on the right side of the page or a banner which goes all across the page usually found near the navigation bar. Most of the advertising is within the interest of Kerrangs target audience and is also relevant to the music industry, however as the website opens up the target audience to a larger bunch there is also some adverts that are not a specific e.g. banking adverting and car advertising.  Examples of advertising within the audiences interests are Kerrang merchandise, Gig advertising and Album adverts.  The advertising is specific to these areas in order for them to make the best profit when they are placed on the website as there aim is to attract as many people as possible to buy there product so to put music advertising on a music magazine website is relevant  and would make much more revenue than a paracetamol advert as this would not be relevant to the target audiences interests or make many sales because of this.