Saturday 12 March 2016

Reflection on my research and how it may influence my planning.

Reflection on my research and how it may influence my planning.

my research and how it may influence my planning.
I particular like the matching red dress to the back ground, and the connotations that red has power, (being strong, passion, love and empowerment) and may consider using this colour in my magazine cover, I also like the way the picture covers part of the logo, as it shows that the artist is more important than the magazine itself and it makes the artist stand out an I like that aspect because it presents them as a role model. I will also consider using different sized text to enthuses certain aspects, and different  fonts to make things stand out using colours that contrast against the background that I choose. I like the way that the background is a slightly brighter surrounding BeyoncĂ© than when is toward the edges, this illuminates the artist and makes her see more important. I also like the use of different colour text because it makes things pop out from the cover this would be useful in my cover for that very same reason, and integrating it may draw more people in to look.  
From this contents page I like the way the v is In bold text, as it stand out and would appeal to my target audience, also as well as being in bold it is large and this is something I will take away from this because it would be useful to have large text on my contents page to make things stand out. I particularly like this use of a  large image as it shows people more of what they want to see because on the front cover they know that this issue of the magazine focuses around Kanye west and they want to see and read more about it, and see more about it . The use of different text may be something I use when creating my magazine as it puts enthuses on different parts on the text making things stand out and would be a good method of drawing people in when they look at it, what we can get from this is that the more fancy the text the more juicy and interesting the information is. From this contents page like the way the monochrome represents an urban genre and this would be useful for me if I decide to make an urban magazine including artist like Kanye West and it will drive in a particular target audience.
I like many of the features of this feature page, and would consider many methods when making my magazine. Firstly I like the use of the text being curved round her body, this would be good to use if my feature artist was a woman as it would replicate her curves and make her seem sexy and the image and page itself would look more professional and planned, I would very much consider using this in my own magazine. Next, I like  the two colours of pink, the text and the background match and this created simplicity in the image and this simplicity makes the feature page seem  full of colour and because of this we can also get that the page is fun information as pink as a colour brings these conations. I like the use of the big letter W at the start of the text, the big letter emphasizes that the information stated after it is important and also adds more of the darker pink  making the page seem more colourful. I would consider using both these in my feature page when coming to create it. The last thing I like from this feature page is the way that the text is laid out, it is simple and easy to read, something that my feature page will need to be so to use the same method of an easy, neat layout would be beneficial to it.

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