Wednesday 23 March 2016

Finished music magazine contents page

This is my finished contents page, there is many improvements made in comparison to my other versions, and i think it looks more visually stimulating in comparison to the over versions too. I decided to add more images so that the contents page looked more exiting, and changed the color of the background on the right hand side to make the contents page look more vibrant and full like a normal magazines contents page would look. It also makes the contents on this background stand out which benefits it greatly. I also decided to add more content so that the magazine looked full of juicy information. All of the content is relevant to my targeted genres of pop and RnB. I made the numbers red so that they stand out as a form of easy navigation, and made the description the same red so that there is both design continuity and also so that the readers go straight to the descriptions as they have more information about what the page is on. i made the title of each page in back and in capitals and also bigger so that thy catch the readers eye, and also made them short so that it makes the reader intrigued to read on as they do not know much about what is on the page. The color scheme is the same of that used on the front cover which shows design continuity and the simplicity of the design. overall i feel like i have drastically improved my design by revising on severally occasions and experimenting with Photoshop and have come out with a product that both looks like that you would see in a real magazine, but that is also new and exiting. I feel like the color  and design represent the RnB genre very well, but also fit in with pop well too and the images of the pop star on the front further prove this. 

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