Tuesday 22 March 2016

Music magazine feature page

This is  my music magazine feature page. It has design continuity in connection to my other products as it is using the same colours (black white and red) while also using the same fonts. I have added red writing to emphasize main points as you can see above, and I have also put red rectangles in to further draw the readers eyes to points also. some points are also in capitals to scream out there importance, and I have used a capital S to start of the story on the right had page which is in red which also makes it seem important and interesting and will stick out to the reader. The contents is in small text so I could fit as much as possible on the page, and it is restricted to one page because when I carried out my magazine research I felt like this was the best way to do things as it made the magazine look less complicated and more neat, while also giving more of the page to the artists which visually draws in an audience and keeps them interested.  My text is in columns which also makes my feature page look more neat, and the writing also had a quote going through it in capitals with a line at the top, this emphasises its importance and also is a way of poking it out the text in order for the reader to get a taste of what information they might by getting if they read the article. I have used the same artist on the front of my magazine for my feature page as this is the generic convention as people want to read about the artist on the front, and from doing my research I found out this is generally what happens. In the image I have made sure to use pop connotations, such as colourful colours, and instruments to give of a pop theme to the image. at the bottom of the page is a web link and this shows cross media convergence, and in the rise of the digital age this is very important as it means that the brand can rise in readership ad the audience  can get as much information as they want about the topic in hand, which is also why I linked the interview with another online link so that the reader can get more information and use and get to know  the magazines website. I feel like the content of my text is very interesting and juicy, and covers all of the generic points and facts that you want to know bout an artist, and even facts that you would not know if you did not read the interview, which makes it more interesting and makes people trust the brand to give them the best information. Overall after changing many aspects many times to this feature page I feel that I have got the bet possible outcome and the result will connect to the target audience well.

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