Monday 22 February 2016

Drafting my contents page

This is my first draft of my contents page. I have used the same colours within it to my cover, which shows design continuity, and I have also used the same text, which again shows design continuity. The black shapes map out were I will be placing up to 3 or 4 images, the largest of which will be the featuring artist Sofia Prescott. I have used three labels to make the magazine contents page easy to navigate around while also integrating a colour coded aspect to the reading experience. I have added  some common magazine features such as the month of the issue and the logo of the magazine on the contents page while also adding a label that emphasises that the magazine is the first of its line, adding a new colour when doing this which puts extreme emphasis on it. I have made sure to use contrasting colours on the background and also use contrasting colours on the shapes so that things stand out such as reviews and essential reads, not to forget features. I have kept the background white so I am able to play around with text and colour, but remain to keep the contents page formal and complement the front cover so I can have design continuity. I will continue to add information and pictures to this draft in order to develop the page, while continuing to research useful contents pages and ask for peer feedback in order to make my magazine contents page the best quality that I can.  

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