Friday 26 February 2016

Drafting my magazine cover

Drafting my magazine cover

As you can see from above i choose the name Music Fast Track for my cover, this was becuase i thought the name was fun, differnt as its not an everday name, and also relevant to my target auidience becuase they are buying magazines to keep up with the music industry in there specific genre and the name of the magazine and content helps them to do this as it is a "fast track" for them. I have not yet obtained my magazine cover image, but i am now going to base my image on the one used in my draft above, i think it fits the genres of pop and RnB perfectly and also reflects fashion in the music industry currently worn by artsist or the genres, and this makes it more relevant to my target audience. I wanted to draft my work first on an example as i knew it would give me better ideas and would extend my research practicaly. From this piece of work i realy like the dark colours and the contrasting text in comparison to the background. Drafting my unfinished work has given me a great idea of how i could lay out my work on my final draft and what ideas and concepts i could introduce to my magazine to make it stand out on the shelfs from others. It also gave me some great experience in using photoshop and this means that when i come to make my final cover i will be experienced and the cover of my magazine will be imaculate as i will be able to use the correct tools with skill, so overall the prosses of doing this will be verry beneficial to my work.

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